All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary
Class |
Description |
AdHocDefaultsBean |
AdvisoriesBean |
AdvisoryBean |
AliasItemBean |
AttFilterFailureException |
AuditEventBean |
AutoLabelConfigBean |
AutoLabelIgnoreItemBean |
AutoLabelSubstituteItemBean |
BlacklistFingerprintBean |
BlacklistingBean |
BlacklistSizeBean |
BlacklistSubjectBean |
BlacklistUrlBean |
CatchAddressBean |
CatchAddressBeanList |
CatchEmailResult |
CatchEmailResultBean |
ColonSuffixFPBean |
ConfigField |
This is the transport object for config fields between JEMH and potentially external modules in other addons
ConfigField.FieldType |
ConfigFieldAttributes |
ConfigurationBean |
CustomFieldDefaultItemBean |
CustomFieldResult |
CustomFieldSelectionBean |
DefaultTransportNotificationItem |
DirectiveSetBean |
DirectiveSetLinkBean |
EmailHeaderUtil |
EmailHeaderUtil.EmailHeaders |
EmailHeaderUtil.HeaderData |
Entry |
ErrorProvocateurBean |
FeatureEnablementBean |
FieldProcessorException |
FieldProcessorItemBean |
FilterFailureException |
IJEMHAdHocNotificationAccessorMarker |
IJEMHAlternateIdProvider |
When JEMH cannot locate a registered JIRA-user through the given incoming email address, the Alternate ID support can
be used to locate the 'actual' user details.
IJEMHAttachmentFilterProvider |
Definition of attachment filters for JEMH.
IJEMHAttachmentFilterProvider.AttachmentOutcome |
use means use the given attachment
filter means ignore the given attachment
replace means replace the given attachment with a potentially mutated one
IJEMHCustomFieldAdapter |
CustomFieldAdapters provide the means for JEMH to work with 3rd party custom fields.
IJEMHDataTypes |
IJEMHDataTypes.AddOrigBodyToIssueCondition |
IJEMHDataTypes.AdHocNotificationType |
IJEMHDataTypes.ArchivedIssueHandlingActions |
IJEMHDataTypes.AttachEmailToIssueCondition |
IJEMHDataTypes.AuditReProcessingOption |
IJEMHDataTypes.AutoLabelCaptureMode |
IJEMHDataTypes.AutoLabelSenderStorage |
IJEMHDataTypes.BlacklistOutcomeHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.BodyCleanupOrder |
Deprecated. |
IJEMHDataTypes.CleanupType |
IJEMHDataTypes.CommentCountLimitAction |
IJEMHDataTypes.CommentHeaderCondition |
IJEMHDataTypes.CommentMaxCharsLimitAction |
IJEMHDataTypes.CommentRateLimitExceededAction |
IJEMHDataTypes.ContentTypePreference |
Used to indicate what body content type should be selected
IJEMHDataTypes.CreateUserFromEmailCondition |
IJEMHDataTypes.CustomEventFireMode |
IJEMHDataTypes.CustomFieldDefaultApplyRule |
IJEMHDataTypes.CustomFieldValueTypes |
IJEMHDataTypes.EmailFormatTypes |
IJEMHDataTypes.EmailSourceType |
IJEMHDataTypes.EntitySchemeNotificaitonMaxHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.FallbackFromAddressHeaders |
IJEMHDataTypes.FingerprintHandlingActions |
for local X-JIRA-Fingerprint matches
IJEMHDataTypes.FromAddressParseOrder |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlBlkQtTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlBoldTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlCiteTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlCodeTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlEmTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlHeadingLevel |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlHrTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlImageHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlItalicTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlLinkHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlNewlineOption |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlNewlineWikiBreakOption |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlOrderedListTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlPreTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlStrikeTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlSubTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlSupTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlTableRendering |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlTextColourHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlUnderlineTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.HtmlUnorderedListTagHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.JEMHBlacklistingEntityTypes |
IJEMHDataTypes.JsdCommentVisibilityType |
IJEMHDataTypes.MimMultipartTypes |
IJEMHDataTypes.NoIssueDuringCommentOnlyModeHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.NonCatchMailHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.NotificationSourceType |
IJEMHDataTypes.NotifyMeConditions |
IJEMHDataTypes.NotifyUsersOnIssueCreation |
IJEMHDataTypes.OnCommentEventBehaviour |
IJEMHDataTypes.OperatingMode |
IJEMHDataTypes.OperationalSummaryAlertStatuses |
IJEMHDataTypes.OperationalSummaryPeriodicIntervalPeriods |
IJEMHDataTypes.PgpValidationFailActions |
As entities have been exhausted (50 max), a single table now stores a variable number of serialized XML beans that can be reloaded
Each entity will have a version number that will be owned by each BEAN, and used with AO upgrade tasks to fix and or update contents of XML.
IJEMHDataTypes.ProfileAuditEventType |
IJEMHDataTypes.ProjectMappingAdvisoryScope |
IJEMHDataTypes.ProjectMappingAutoJoinNewUsers |
IJEMHDataTypes.ProjectMappingEvalStrategy |
IJEMHDataTypes.ProjectMappingRuleType |
IJEMHDataTypes.ProjectMappingSortMethods |
IJEMHDataTypes.ProjectMappingType |
Property Groups
IJEMHDataTypes.RememberMeAdminOptions |
IJEMHDataTypes.RememberMeSysAdminOptions |
IJEMHDataTypes.SectionLimit |
IJEMHDataTypes.SpamHandling |
IJEMHDataTypes.TemplateAuditEventTypes |
IJEMHDataTypes.ThreadMatchLimitType |
limits how thread checking will/wont match against existing issues, eg, 'resolved' will not match a referred issue ABC-123 if it is resolved, and will cause new issues to be created
IJEMHDataTypes.ThreadMatchRejectFromSource |
IJEMHDataTypes.UnprivilegedReporterAction |
IJEMHDataTypes.UnprivilegedReporterCondition |
IJEMHDataTypes.UsageEntityTypes |
IJEMHDataTypes.UserAutoJoinGroupCondition |
IJEMHDataTypes.UserCreationOption |
used in field replacements, eg $reporter
IJEMHDirectiveSetLinkManager |
IJEMHDistListMetaData |
IJEMHFieldProcessor |
Field Processors process incoming emails, digesting them as required into a map of keys and values.
IJEMHFieldProcessorContext |
Context within which a Field Processor runs,
provides access to a JEMH extracted body, but allows field processors to use it or not
IJEMHFieldProcessorKeys |
IJEMHFieldProcessorKeys.AvailableProcessors |
Defines JEMH provided field processors
TODO - script
IJEMHGenericContextProviderKeys |
IJEMHGenericContextProviderValues |
IJEMHInboundMailProcessingWebhook |
Definition of the Webhook JSON payload for more information see:
The each accessor method's related field is not null then this will produce a JSON Object in webhook JSON Payload.
IJEMHInboundReport |
IJEMHInboundReport.EntryFormat |
IJEMHInboundReport.Sections |
IJEMHIntegrationTestHarness |
The Test Harness provides access to manager classes specific to functional areas
IJEMHJsdApiUtils |
Defines Keys used by Legacy File based configuration, and other keys generally needed
IJEMHLdapVelocityContextUtil |
IJEMHMailHeaderPreProcTask |
Definition of filters for JEMH.
IJEMHMessageFilterProvider |
Definition of filters for JEMH.
IJEMHMessageMetaData |
This interface collates extracted meta-data from the message that are possibly timely to produce, as a performance measure
IJEMHModuleProvider |
IJEMHProjectMapperUtils |
IJEMHProjectMapperUtils: A Velocity context API that allows some (limited) Project Mapping functionality related to creating multiple issues/comments for a single email.
IJEMHReportEntry |
IJEMHRuntimeConfig |
To whom it may concern:
IJEMHScriptHelper |
IJEMHSystemConfigHelper |
IJEMHSystemPropertyKeys |
IJEMHSystemPropertyKeys: This class details the available system property keys which can be used to enable/disable features on startup which you may be instructed to apply by support.
IJEMHThreadMatchUtils |
IJEMHThreadMatchUtils: A Velocity context API that allows issue association via Message ID or External ID to help simplify a number of common use-cases of JEMH's Script feature.
IJEMHTransportConfigKeys |
IJEMHTransportProvider |
Interface for common transports
IJEMHTransportProvider.TransportContentType |
IJEMHUser.JemhUserNameFormat |
IJEMHVelocityContextUtils |
Velocity Context helper interface, accessed vie email templates, used to inhibit mail sending, for now..
IJEMHVelocityContextUtils.AllowList |
IJEMHVelocityContextUtils.InlineImageEncodingType |
IJEMHVelocityDateUtil |
IJEMHVelocityKeys |
InitFailureException |
InstallHistoryBean |
InstallHistoryBeanList |
ISafeTextUtils |
a public interface for documentation, showing a restricted set of methods available for textutils use in velocity contexts re: JEMH-8129
IScriptEngineFactory |
ITAdHocManager |
ITAuditingManager |
ITAuditingManager.ITMessageDirection |
ITBlacklistingManager |
ITErrorProvocateurSettings |
ITEventListenerManager |
ITEventListenerManager.GroupRestrictionCondition |
ITGroupManager |
ITIntegrationConstants |
ITJEMHPostFunctionManager |
ITJiraMailServerManager |
ITJiraUtil |
ITLDAPManager |
ITLimitManager |
ITMailUtil |
ITOperationalSummaryManager |
ITPermissionsManager |
ITProfileManager |
ITransportNotificationItem |
Implementations of this class provide post-rendered content for actual delivery
ITScriptingManager |
ITSMSManager |
ITStaticResourceManager |
ITTaggedAttachmentsManager |
ITTemplateSetManager |
ITTestCaseManager |
ITTestCaseManager.MessageSourceType |
ITTextUtils |
ITUserTrackingManager |
ITVelocityManager |
ITVelocityManager.ContextType |
ITWebUtil |
JEMHUserBean |
JemhXmlPayload |
KeyValuePair |
LDAPConfigItemBean |
LDAPConfigListBean |
LdapDetailsDTO |
LdapItemBean |
LDAPQueryResult |
LDAPQueryResultList |
LDAPUser |
Wrapper class for retrieved LDAP attributes and optional formatting of name
LimitBean |
LimitSectionBean |
LimitsSetBean |
MsgFilterItemBean |
NagiosFPConfigBean |
NagiosPhraseBean |
NagiosPhraseSetBean |
NotificationAuditItemBean |
NotificationConfigurationBean |
NotificationHistoryIssueTabBean |
NotificationProjectMappingBean |
Method signatures should mirror JEMHLsnProjMapping to enable simple application to entity
NotificationRecipientBean |
NotificationTransportConfigBean |
NotificationTransportMappingBean |
OperationalSummaryActivityContextBean |
OperationalSummaryAlertConfigBean |
OperationalSummaryContextBean |
OperationalSummaryPeriodicConfigBean |
OperationalSummaryPMAdvisoriesBean |
OperationalSummaryProfileAdvisoriesBean |
ParallelTestResultBean |
PortalSecuritySettingsBean |
PortalSecuritySettingsBean.WhoCanRaiseRequests |
PostFunctionConfigBean |
PreProcHeaderBean |
PreProcTaskFailureException |
PreProcTaskItemBean |
ProcessingResultBean |
Bean to encapsulate an issue created by JEMH and its associated audit event
ProfileBean |
ProfileGroupBean |
ProfileImportFixBean |
ProjectAdHocSecurityBean |
ProjectAdHocSecurityBean.ConfigurationSource |
ProjectDomainMappingBean |
ProjectEmailConfigBean |
ProjectGroupMappingBean |
ProjectKeywordMappingBean |
ProjectMappingAdvisoriesBean |
ProjectMappingBodyDelimRegexpBean |
ProjectMappingCleanupRegexpBean |
ProjectMappingItemBean |
ProjectMappingListBean |
ProjectScriptMappingBean |
PropertyItemBean |
ReasonBean |
ReasonsBean |
RegexpFieldProcMappingBean |
RegexpProcConfigBean |
RegexpScriptResult |
RegexpScriptResult - RegexpScriptResults holds the value extracted by the Regexp Issue Association Script to be used as a Value Match
RequestTypeBean |
ScriptBean |
ScriptFPConfigBean |
ScriptPreProcResultBean |
ScriptResult |
ScriptRuleResult |
ServerBean |
ServersBean |
SMSBean |
SMSConfigBean |
SMSConfigValueBean |
StatusNotificationFlushStatusBean |
StatusNotificationFlushStatusBean.FlushSendStatus |
SystemInfoBean |
TemplateSetBean |
TemplateSetBean.OperationalSummaryType |
TemplateSetBean.TemplateSetType |
TemplateSetMappingBean |
TemplateSetProjectLinkBean |
TemplateSetSortOrderBean |
ThemeBean |
TransportConfigWrapper |
Wrapper class allowing arbitrary configurations to be passed to/from JEMH for display and update
TransportEvent |
TransportException |
TransportStatus |
TransportStatus.SERVICE_STATE |
UnsupportedContentTypeException |
UserEventConfigBean |
UserTrackingBean |
Methods marked transient to prevent fields being exposed in profile exports
WorkflowBean |
WorkflowRuleBean |
XmlEntries |
XmlEntry |