Interface IJEMHMessageFilterProvider

    • Method Detail

      • getReason

        String getReason()
        If through normal processing, the message is not to be handled for some reason, the message as to WHY this was decided should be accessible here *
      • filter

        IJEMHFPAuditEventEntiyDef.ProcessingOutcome filter​(javax.mail.Message message,
                                                           IJEMHRuntimeConfig config,
                                                           com.atlassian.jira.service.util.handler.MessageHandlerErrorCollector errorCollector,
                                                           com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue issue,
                                                           IJEMHInboundReport report,
                                                           com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser applicableUser)
                                                    throws FilterFailureException
        Execute filter processing on the message.
        message - The original JavaMail message object
        config - The JEMH runtime configuration that is used for this message
        errorCollector - For UI error feedback relating to the execution of the filter.
        issue - , relatedIssueIfAny for context regarding the issue that may be under comment/update
        report - , enabling filter specific detailed logging
        ProcessOutcome describing the filter
        FilterFailureException - if it breaks
      • isLateRunning

        boolean isLateRunning()
        Returns true if the message filter should be run once a project has been determined.
        true if the filter should run late, false otherwise.