Interface IJEMHFieldProcessor

    • Method Detail

      • getContext

        IJEMHFieldProcessorContext getContext()
        Provides JEMH with a reference to the processors init params
      • isHandlerOwnsMessage

        boolean isHandlerOwnsMessage()
        true if the handler decides it should own the processing of this email, i.e. should be used instead of other Field Processors, a false value just means the handler should participate in the election allow with any of the other configured default handlers.
      • isHandlerOptOutOfJEMHPostConfig

        boolean isHandlerOptOutOfJEMHPostConfig()
        JEMH applies much configuration over the top of provided directives, for example, attachment extraction as well as provision of Project Mapping derived values and more. This support can be disabled for 'naked' handling, but will require specific information to be available in order to create issues: - project - issueType - reporter - summary
        true if handlers should be solely responsible for email processing, or whether JEMH should perform more, eg through Project Mappings
      • getFieldCount

        int getFieldCount()
        the number of fields the handler has found. This allows the handler to participate in the general handler election (the handler with the most fields found wins). Boosting this return value can skew the election in this handlers favour.
      • handleDelete

        void handleDelete()
        JEMH can delete profiles, which should also delete any resources that a handler has allocated. Clean up here.
      • copyTo

        void copyTo​(int id)
        Handlers should duplicate their locally stored resources, against the given id KEY that relates to the JEMH profile involved. see IJEMHFieldProcessorContext.getID()
        id - the id
      • getExecutionLog

        String getExecutionLog()
        execution log, primarily to support scripted field processor, can be safely null