Interface IJEMHSystemConfigHelper

    • Method Detail

      • getApplicationProperty

        String getApplicationProperty​(String key)
      • getJemhVersion

        String getJemhVersion()
      • getJemhPluginKey

        String getJemhPluginKey()
      • isJemhBuildDc

        boolean isJemhBuildDc()
      • getJemhApiVersion

        String getJemhApiVersion()
      • getJiraApiVersion

        String getJiraApiVersion()
      • isJemhSnapshot

        boolean isJemhSnapshot()
      • isExternalUserManagementEnabled

        boolean isExternalUserManagementEnabled()
      • isUnassignableIssuesEnabled

        boolean isUnassignableIssuesEnabled()
      • isIssueWatchingEnabled

        boolean isIssueWatchingEnabled()
      • isIssueVotingEnabled

        boolean isIssueVotingEnabled()
      • isIssueAttachmentsEnabled

        boolean isIssueAttachmentsEnabled()
      • isIssueLinkingEnabled

        boolean isIssueLinkingEnabled()
      • isAllowUnassignedIssues

        boolean isAllowUnassignedIssues()
      • getApplicationProperties getApplicationProperties()
      • getDefaultSystemPriority

        String getDefaultSystemPriority()
        cut/n/pasted from AbstractMessageHandler for reuse by FieldProcessors Returns a default system priority. If default system priority if not set, tries to find 'middle' priority based on other priorities. It may throw RuntimeException if there is not default priority set and there are no other priorities (which is highly unlikely).
        a default system priority
        RuntimeException - if no default set and no other priorities found.
      • getJiraDurationUtils

        com.atlassian.jira.util.JiraDurationUtils getJiraDurationUtils​( jac)