Interface ITLDAPManager

  • public interface ITLDAPManager
    • Method Detail

      • deleteConfig

        void deleteConfig​(int id)
      • deleteAllLdapConfigs

        void deleteAllLdapConfigs()
      • query

        Map<String,​Map<String,​List<Object>>> query​(int ldapConfigId,
                                                               String ldapFilter,
                                                               String[] requiredReturnAtts)
                                                        throws RemoteException
        Query method exposing LDAP query and filter logic to integration testing
        ldapConfigId - The ldap config entity ID
        ldapFilter - The ldap filter to use
        requiredReturnAtts - the ldap attributes to return
        lots of things
        RemoteException - if it breaks
      • queryDistListMembership

        Set<com.atlassian.jira.user.ApplicationUser> queryDistListMembership​(int ldapConfigId,
                                                                             String[] distListAddresses,
                                                                             String[] requiredReturnAtts,
                                                                             String[] expandAttributes,
                                                                             int maxResults)
                                                                      throws RemoteException
        ldapConfigId - the ldap config ID
        distListAddresses - the array of dist list addresses to query
        requiredReturnAtts - the ldap attributes to return
        expandAttributes - the attributes to expand on, with AD, this will be 'member'
        maxResults - how many results to return at maximum
        set of JIRA users found in the dist list
        RemoteException - if it breaks
      • flushLDAPGroupCache

        void flushLDAPGroupCache()