Class EmailHeaderUtil

  • public class EmailHeaderUtil
    extends Object
    • Method Detail

      • getBytes

        public byte[] getBytes()
      • updateHeader

        public void updateHeader​(EmailHeaderUtil.HeaderData updatedHeaderData)
        Merge in the updated value (if it is changed). If updated value is empty, remove the header
        updatedHeaderData - to to the model of the emails current headers
      • addHeaderBefore

        public void addHeaderBefore​(EmailHeaderUtil.HeaderData addedHeaderData,
                                    Set<String> headersHandled)
        Adds new header (if it doesn't exist). Used in PreProcTaskRunner/ScriptPreProcTask to insert new headers added via Script
        addedHeaderData - to to the model of the emails current headers
        headersHandled - contains all handled Headers. new Header will be added before the first Header in handledHeaders
      • setUpdatedBody

        public void setUpdatedBody​(String body)