Interface IJEMHThreadMatchUtils

  • public interface IJEMHThreadMatchUtils
    IJEMHThreadMatchUtils: A Velocity context API that allows issue association via Message ID or External ID to help simplify a number of common use-cases of JEMH's Script feature. Released in JEMH 3.4.11, 4.0.17, and 4.1.8
    • Method Detail

      • getUnfilteredAssociatedIssuesFromExternalId

        List<com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue> getUnfilteredAssociatedIssuesFromExternalId​(String externalIDField,
                                                                                         String externalId)
        Returns a list of Issues (Max 10) which include the provided External ID, in the provided Custom Field. Thread Match Rejection rules defined in the JEMH Profile are not applied
        externalIDField - the Custom Field Id used for External ID Issue association. JEMH will identify which issues have the provided 'externalId' in this Custom Field
        externalId - as Mentioned, the External ID used for Issue Association
        a List of Issues which contain the matching External ID in the specified CustomField
      • getUnfilteredAssociatedIssuesFromExternalId

        List<com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue> getUnfilteredAssociatedIssuesFromExternalId​(String externalIDField,
                                                                                         String externalId,
                                                                                         int issueCount)
        Returns a list of Issues (Max 50) which include the provided External ID, in the provided Custom Field. Thread Match Rejection rules defined in the JEMH Profile are not applied
        externalIDField - the Custom Field Id used for External ID Issue association. JEMH will identify which issues have the provided 'externalId' in this Custom Field
        externalId - as Mentioned, the External ID used for Issue Association
        issueCount - the (Max) number of issues that could be returned by this method
        a List of Issues which contain the matching External ID in the specified externalIDField
      • getFilteredAssociatedIssuesFromExternalId

        List<com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue> getFilteredAssociatedIssuesFromExternalId​(String externalIDField,
                                                                                       String externalId)
        Returns a list of Issues (Max 10) which include the provided External ID, in the provided Custom Field. Applies Thread Match Rejection rules defined in the JEMH Profile
        externalIDField - the Custom Field id used for External ID Issue association. JEMH will identify which issues have the provided 'externalId' in this Custom Field
        externalId - as Mentioned, the External ID used for Issue Association
        a List of Issues which contain the matching External ID in the specified CustomField
      • getFilteredAssociatedIssuesFromExternalId

        List<com.atlassian.jira.issue.Issue> getFilteredAssociatedIssuesFromExternalId​(String externalIDField,
                                                                                       String externalId,
                                                                                       int issueCount)
        Returns a list of Issues (Max 50) which include the provided External ID, in the provided Custom Field. Applies Thread Match Rejection rules defined in the JEMH Profile.
        externalIDField - the Custom Field id used for External ID Issue association. JEMH will identify which issues have the provided 'externalId' in this Custom Field
        externalId - as Mentioned, the External ID used for Issue Association
        issueCount - the (Max) number of issues that could be returned by this method
        a List of Issues which contain the matching External ID in the specified CustomField
      • resolveUnfilteredIssueAssociationByMessageIdForAdditionalResultMaps

        List<Map<String,​Object>> resolveUnfilteredIssueAssociationByMessageIdForAdditionalResultMaps​(List<Map<String,​Object>> additionalMapList,
                                                                                                           String onIssueIDField)
        Resolves issue association via message ID Thread match for a list of Result Maps (when creating multiple issues for a single email). When creating a new Issue the MessageID is hashed and stored on the specified CustomField. When future emails are processed, the In-Reply-To header, and References header are reviewed for a matching (hashed) Message ID. If a Match is found the email is associated to the related issue as a comment. Thread Match Rejection rules defined in the JEMH Profile are not applied
        additionalMapList - A list of all Result Maps that should have issue association resolved based on the Message ID. Result Maps are used by JEMH to create a new issue/comment
        onIssueIDField - The custom field id of the field the Message ID of the email will be stored in on the issue
        a List of Result Maps
      • resolveUnfilteredIssueAssociationByMessageIdForResultMap

        Map<String,​Object> resolveUnfilteredIssueAssociationByMessageIdForResultMap​(Map<String,​Object> resultMap,
                                                                                          String onIssueIDField)
        Resolves issue association via message ID Thread match for a single Result Map. When creating a new Issue the MessageID is hashed and stored on the specified CustomField. When future emails are processed, the In-Reply-To header, and References header are reviewed for a matching (hashed) Message ID. If a Match is found the email is associated to the related issue as a comment. Thread Match Rejection rules defined in the JEMH Profile are not applied
        resultMap - The Result Map that should have issue association resolved based on the Message ID. Result Maps are used by JEMH to create a new issue/comment
        onIssueIDField - The id of the custom field the Message ID of the email will be stored in on the issue
        a Map of Field names to field values
      • resolveFilteredIssueAssociationByMessageIdForAdditionalResultMaps

        List<Map<String,​Object>> resolveFilteredIssueAssociationByMessageIdForAdditionalResultMaps​(List<Map<String,​Object>> additionalMapList,
                                                                                                         String onIssueIDField)
        Resolves issue association via message ID Thread match for a list of Result Maps (when creating multiple issues for a single email). When creating a new Issue the MessageID is hashed and stored on the specified CustomField. When future emails are processed, the In-Reply-To header, and References header are reviewed for a matching (hashed) Message ID. If a Match is found the email is associated to the related issue as a comment. Applies Thread Match Rejection rules defined in the JEMH Profile
        additionalMapList - A list of all Result Maps that should have issue association resolved based on the Message ID. Result Maps are used by JEMH to create a new issue/comment
        onIssueIDField - The id of the custom field the Message ID of the email will be stored in on the issue
        a List of Result Maps
      • resolveFilteredIssueAssociationByMessageIdForResultMap

        Map<String,​Object> resolveFilteredIssueAssociationByMessageIdForResultMap​(Map<String,​Object> resultMap,
                                                                                        String onIssueIDField)
        Resolves issue association via message ID Thread match for a single Result Map. When creating a new Issue the MessageID is hashed and stored on the specified CustomField. When future emails are processed, the In-Reply-To header, and References header are reviewed for a matching (hashed) Message ID. If a Match is found the email is associated to the related issue as a comment. Applies Thread Match Rejection rules defined in the JEMH Profile
        resultMap - The Result Map that should have issue association resolved based on the Message ID. Result Maps are used by JEMH to create a new issue/comment
        onIssueIDField - The id of the custom field the Message ID of the email will be stored in on the issue
        a Map of Fields names to field values