Interface IJEMHProjectMapperUtils

  • public interface IJEMHProjectMapperUtils
    IJEMHProjectMapperUtils: A Velocity context API that allows some (limited) Project Mapping functionality related to creating multiple issues/comments for a single email. As of release Project Mapping is limited to Domain Rules. For ProjectMapper Utils to function as intended, the related Profile Configuration must have a Project Mapping(s) which include an Addressee Domain Rule matching the 'recipient' value in the ResultMap. Any project specific configuration will be gleamed from the matching rule. Released in JEMH 3.4.11, 4.0.17, and 4.1.8
    • Method Detail

      • findProjectKeyForResultMaps

        List<Map<String,​Object>> findProjectKeyForResultMaps​(List<Map<String,​Object>> resultMaps)
        Allows the project to be established a Project Mapping match for the provided Result Map. As of release Project Mapping is limited to Domain Rules. For ProjectMapper Utils to function as intended, the related Profile Configuration must have a Project Mapping(s) which include an Addressee Domain Rule matching the 'recipient' value in the ResultMap. Any project specific configuration will be gleamed from the matching rule.
        resultMaps - A list of all Result Maps that will have their mapping resolved. Result Maps are used by JEMH to create a new issue/comment
        The modified Result Maps with related Projects
      • applyProjectMappingDomainRulesToResultMaps

        List<Map<String,​Object>> applyProjectMappingDomainRulesToResultMaps​(List<Map<String,​Object>> resultMaps)
        Applies configuration found in Domain Rules to a list of Result Maps. For ProjectMapper Utils to function as intended, the related Profile Configuration must have a Project Mapping(s) which include an Addressee Domain Rule matching the 'recipient' value in the ResultMap. Any project specific configuration will be gleamed from the matching rule.
        resultMaps - A list of all Result Maps that will have their mapping resolved. Result Maps are used by JEMH to create a new issue/comment
        The modified Result Maps with related Project/Domain Rule Mapping configuration applies