Interface IJEMHDistListMetaData

    • Method Detail

      • getInitialRecipients

        List<javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress> getInitialRecipients()
        the initial message recipients, To/Cc and possibly Bcc header resolved, prior to LDAP group expansion. Must be a list to preserve order
      • getFinalRecipients

        List<javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress> getFinalRecipients()
        the final message recipients, To/Cc and possibly Bcc header resolved. Also for those recipients, LDAP dist-group expansion could be applied. Does not contain the actual distribution group addresses, see getDistGroupAddresses. Must be a list to preserve order
      • getFinalRecipientUserKeys

        Set<String> getFinalRecipientUserKeys()
        the registered JIRA user 'userkeys' of recipients
      • getDistGroupAddresses

        Set<javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress> getDistGroupAddresses()
        email addresses relating to LDAP distribution groups, split out from the general recipients, so that these addresses can be used by catchemail matching, but separated from FinalRecipients for user creation