Interface IJEMHAlternateIdProvider

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface IJEMHAlternateIdProvider
    extends IJEMHModuleProvider
    When JEMH cannot locate a registered JIRA-user through the given incoming email address, the Alternate ID support can be used to locate the 'actual' user details. The information provided may then be used to lookup an actual JIRA-user, or if user creation has been enabled, to provide the necessary information for user creation.
    • Method Detail

      • getUserByEmail

        IJEMHUser getUserByEmail​(IJEMHRuntimeConfig config,
                                 String email)
        Lookup a user by email address, check for aliases, return a matching user or null if none found
        config - to use
        email - address of the sender
        object representing the directory user found